2nd Baldock Scouts Exec Checklist

There are a number of Tasks for new Executive Members

  1. Chair – Ensure new member has been given link to support pack to learn about their new role
  2. Chair – Advice Group Admin of new member so they can check if Scout DBS in place or one is needed
  3. Chair – Advice Office 365 Admin to create e-mail account and share ‘Office 365 Getting Started Guide’ (to be created)
  4. Chair – Advice new member about compass, updating contact details and communication preferences
  5. Chair – Share Organisation Chart of Leaders and Exec so they know who is who
  6. Chair – Add new member to WhatsApp Group
  7. Chair – Ensure added to invite list for exec
  8. Chair – At first Exec – decide if they need to be added to Bank Accounts
  9. Group Training Advisor – ensure new member aware of training and update compass on completion


What is Scouting? ADVENTURE!

Scouting is a remarkable movement that brings amazing benefits and enjoyment to everyone involved – children, leaders, parents and everyone involved with the running of the group.

Through adventure, we help our scouts develop team-work skills, friendships, confidence, independence, responsibility and a ‘can do’ attitude to help prepare them for the wider world.

Everyone in our group takes part in many adventures & activities at weekly evening meetings, weekend activities in the term, and week-long summer camps (for the older sections). In a typical year, we will go climbing, cycling, caving, hammocking, canyonning, hiking, canoeing, abseiling, kayaking, swimming, fire-lighting, community visits, craft activities, raft building and many many more adventures.

Check out our Facebook Group to see what exciting things we’ve been doing recently.

Who is Scouting for? EVERYONE!

Our group runs Beavers (6-8yrs – Thursday), Cubs (8-10.5yrs – Wednesday) and Scouts (10.5-14yrs – Friday). We have “Young Leaders” (14-18yrs) and plenty of adult leaders. Some people think Scouts is just for boys – it’s not – we have loads of girls too!

How much does it cost? NOT MUCH!

It costs £37.50 per term, which covers weekly meetings, insurance, membership etc. Camps cost extra, and the cost depends on the activities – typically a weekend camp costs £30-£40 and a week long activity-packed summer camp costs £200-£300.

Who runs Scouting? VOLUNTEERS!

Everyone in our group is a volunteer, which is why we can provide such great value activities. All our leaders have undergone extensive training and criminal records checks, and when we provide “adventurous activities” we will either use externally qualified people, or our own leaders with appropriate qualifications.

Where are we? Baldock!

Our weekly meetings are in Baldock Catholic Church Hall, our weekend camps are typically within 45 minutes from Baldock, and our week-long summer camps for Scouts range from Hertfordshire to the Peak District, and every four years, we have a summer camp in Scotland (for the scout section)!

Any questions? GET IN TOUCH!

Drop us an email and we can answer any questions you may have – enquiries@2ndbaldockscouts.org.uk.